Learning Management System & behaviour tracking for teachers.

Role: UX/UI Designer
Timeline: 80 hrs
Type: End to end mobile app.
Tools: Figma, Maze, Miro, Figjam
Deliverables: Competitive Analysis, User Interviews, User Survey, Persona, Task Flows, Sketches, Wireframing, Usability Testing, Branding Mockups

Teachers grade students’ comprehension levels, but aren’t able to track students engagement levels and learning habits.


When I was a teacher, I asked my grade 6 students if they wished there was anything different about their school. I had one student pop up immediately and say, "Everything we do is based on our grades and getting a high mark, but no one pays attention to our other skills!".

This gave me the idea for Treva.

Track students behaviour to better understand their engagement.


1. Have students participate and reflect on their skills.

  • Student self-assessments & reflections improve self-awareness for goal setting.

  • Students can work to improve their behaviour by tracking, and seeing their activity through the year.

2. Students can earn rewards for completing tasks or challenges.

  • Improve student motivation through achievements & trophies.

  • Create gamified learning through challenges.

3. Teachers can understand students behaviour better & pair students in groups.

  • Teachers can encourage students to work together and learn from one another based on their skills.

  • Help students engage by understanding each students’ strengths better.

Reflections & self-assessments improve student engagement.


I wanted to learn how to enhance student engagement, so I delved into researching the current methods employed by teachers and the effectiveness of those approaches. During my research, I stumbled upon an intriguing study "Impact of self-assessment by students on their learning" conducted by The National Library of Medicine.

"Self-assessment can increase the interest and motivation level of students for the subjects leading to enhanced learning and better academic performance, helping them in development of critical skills for analysis of their own work.”

To learn about current methods available to teachers to track and learn about student behaviour, I conducted research on 4 of the leading Learning Management Systems, and found that although students and teachers can effectively engage and move through the learning content- none of the competitors had behaviour tracking & self-assessments for teachers and students.

NONE of the competitors provided self-assessments to improve students behaviour skills.


Class Dojo

Class Craft

Google Classroom


Teachers that had self-assessments and behaviour tracking for students, felt more confident about their students skill levels.


I interviewed 7 teachers and 1 occupational therapist to learn from educators the methods they found most effective in improving student engagement in the classroom.

Major Insights

Tracking behaviour through daily tasks and behavioural rewards improved student motivation and self-awareness.

Formulating a plan helped students & teachers work together to improve behaviour.



Teachers struggled to understand student’s behavioural challenges individually due to lack of communication, class size, and personalities.

Lack of resources to track students progress made improving student behaviour difficult.

Learning which behaviour skills are the most important for teachers to track…


After learning from my background research and interviews of the importance of self-assessments and putting a plan in place to help students engage- I wanted to better understand which specific skills teachers felt were the most important, in order to create a targeted solution for teachers to track. I learnt there were 5 Key Behaviours teachers felt were critical.

Five Most Important Behaviour Skills

Problem Solving

Including conflict resolution


Including empathy, presentation skills, and interpersonal skills


Including adaptability and their intrinsic motivation

Time Management

Having students effectively meet deadlines


Including taking initiative.


The Teacher

The Student

Hunting for a solution to help teachers track the five key skills in the classroom!


Armed with my research, and filled with diverging ideas, I went to the drawing board to ideate for solutions that could help teachers track student engagement.

Narrowing down visuals and designing to create a solution...


Given my research findings, I began narrowing down on creating my design solutions to tackle the problem space- helping teachers track students engagement and behaviour better.

  • Ask key behaviour questions and enable students to reflect on their skill level.

  • Provide a visual chart for students to understand their strengths.

  • Enables teachers to view chart & self-assessments for each student.

  • Tracks student engagement and changes throughout the year to help students develop self-awareness.

1. Student On Boarding & Self-Assessment

2. Teacher Creates “Smart Groups”

  • Teachers can use students self-assessments to create groups that help students work together by matching strengths & weaknesses

  • Teachers can see students engagement levels

Evaluating success from usability testing


I conducted a remote, moderated test with 8 participants over Zoom. Overall, the results suggested that the design was in a good place.

  • Account set up

  • Complete self-assessment

  • Select character & setting for game

Student Onboarding & Self-Assessment

Success rate: 100%
Level of Difficulty: 2/5
Completion Time: 1.5 min

  • Account sign in

  • Class location

  • Smart group set up

Teacher Creates “Smart Groups” for Class

Success rate: 100%
Level of Difficulty: 3/5
Completion Time: <1 min

User Tasks:

1. Register for a student account & complete the on-boarding self-assessment.

2. Log into an existing account as a teacher, and organize their class into "smart groups".

Success Metrics:

Success Rate - Was the user able to complete the task?

Level of Difficulty - User impression & determines score (5 being the most difficult)

Final Designs & Prototype

Follow the research. My interviews with teachers were very insightful and I learned how important behaviour development was for each of them. However, wanting to hone into my solutions, and after gathering my insights from my interviews I still had questions. Conducting an additional survey drawn from the information I learned from my interviews really helped me develop my design solutions and refine my ideas for this project.

Ways to improve. After completing my user interviews I learnt a lot from teachers on how they best measured and tracked behaviour, however I wish I had more interviews and testing with actual students to understand how they would navigate through my design.

Final Thoughts & Take Aways

For more work inquiries, or to grab a coffee email me at ✨

Thank you for reading!

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